OPENING⎪Diesel Housewarming Party
About two weeks ago now - yes I know, I'm very late with this post - I went to the Diesel Housewarming Party in Antwerp. They re-opened their store and changed a lot inside. It kinda looks like an appartment now, or a big loft, but then filled with clothes. Every woman's dream I'd say.
The store was filled with clothes, well duh, food, drinks and even a bench where you could get a tattoo. A real one if you wanted to. I'd love to have a tattoo, but my parents would've killed me so I just got a ready-made stencil on my arm. It was one of the designs of the tattoo-er herself if I'm not mistaken.
There was a bar, a buffet and even a cappuccino-machine in the back. And ofcourse, a DJ, because otherwise it wouldn't be a party. Unfortunately, I couldn't stay long because of my awesome train connections, but I did enjoy everything I saw. Always have been a fan of Diesel, though it's a bit too expensive for me :(