Converse - Just Add Color
Converse and Maasmechelen Village organized a little something called "Just Add Color". It is actually quite simple, you buy a pair of Converse shoes and you can personalize them. Well, not yourself ofcourse, three graffiti-artists do it for you. You hand in your pair of shoes and tell them what you want. And tadaa, your very own pair of Converse-shoes! After reading this, I just had to go so I convinced my mom to take me there. Thank god she was willing to drive all the way to Massmechelen Village and my brother came along as well - yes, he likes shopping.
Another thing that I just had to see was the biggest Converse-shoe ever! It was really huge, I expected a big shoe, but it was even bigger. I felt so tiny, haha.
Until the very last moment I had no idea how I wanted my new shoes to look like. So I asked if they had any stencils and there was this one I liked. At first I thought it was a zebra-print, but actually it's a fingerprint. Not mine, that would've been epic, but it's still really cool. On the other shoe I chose for my name - ego! The colors were chosen by the artist, because I had no idea what I wanted.
Enough said, here are a few pictures and as usual you can find all of the pictures on Facebook.
Almost forgot! These sessions are only temporary. The artists are in the Village for only two weekends: the 12th & 13th of May and the 18th & 19th of May from 13.00 till 18.00.